Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's old is new.

No . . this lovely magenta dress is not new, actually it's very old! So old that when I bought it from a thrift store is smelled like moth balls, had a questionable stain and a hole in the side. After a good dry cleaning and some patch work, she's good as new! I am in love with the color and matched with my fav TJ Maxx wedges, it was a perfect wear for this 80 degree day! I decided, post the shopping bindge, I am going to start doing some more vintage/thrift shopping (It sounds way cooler saying "vintage"). It takes a little bit longer to shop and the items may need a good clean after but this entire outfit cost less than $50.00 and I don't know anyone else who owns this little number!

Sidenote: my very hilarious and witty friend Taylor over here at TheDailyTay - wrote a satirical childrens book with the help of my friend Kammie as the crazy talented illustrator. It would make for a great babyshower gift/gift for the new aunt drinking her version of the party punch!  http://www.abottleforyouabottleforme.com/

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wedding Wear

I forwarded an email on to my friends the other day with a conversation on the bottom about plans to go to Urban Outfitters to pick something up. Within five minutes I had two emails back along the lines of . .  "I thought you weren't shopping for a month". A. thanks for creeping on my email :) and B. it was for my brothers birthday gift!!! So while my friends continue to remind me that I cannot shop for a couple more weeks, I am doing some shopping for you all. If I have ten weddings this summer, I am sure you all have your share as well. Mine are a mix of outdoor vineyard weddings and classic formal receptions. Here are some dresses I found to fit both types of events. A mix of bright summer colors, floral prints and a classic taupe and black stripe. Happy shopping!

Monday, April 16, 2012

May 12th, 2012

I know I have been slacking on the blog and I apologize but the truth is . . . I'm having withdrawals and the pain of posting outfit options to my blog hurts. I Brittany Marie Love have given up shopping for myself for one entire month! How sad is that, that this is a huge feat for me? Very sad. So sad that my recent approach is downing discount Reese’s eggs by the handfuls, which may ultimately lead to an entirely different blog post. I seriously have an obsession with shopping and it’s not that the things I buy are expensive but a trip or two a week to Forever21 or online to Tobi is really starting to add up so I’m pushing through. This will be good for me to make the millions of things in my closet work together! Look forward to seeing things I may already have worn in past blogs worn again and in a different way. Until May 12th, 2012 I will be purchase free. My bank account will very much appreciate this. Just don’t be surprised if you see me with my face plastered to the window outside of Urban Outfitters!

*Yes, I really have a post-it-note on my wall at work reminding me. Maybe a paper chain will be necessary?!