My Mom called the other day and as we were chatting about packing for the upcoming vaca she asked if I would be able to share a suitcase. I love and adore my Mother and agree that the baggage fee’s are crazy but couldn't help but laugh. 1. She is asking this of the girl that brings two bags and a purse for an overnight trip and 2. because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But in my very best effort, I am trying to strategically pack (with the hours dwindling) to get the most outfit choices while taking up the least room. My plan is to pack a few dresses and maxi skirts that could be dressed up or down for the occasion. A couple tops that can be paired with some light weight shorts or jeans depending on the weather. Lots of jewelry choices to add to the plain pieces and shoes that could go with any option. I do however need to purchase a traveling jewelry case. My F21 bags are the typical travel method as of now. Any suggestions?
What are your staple travel pieces?
sounds just like me and MY mom.. when she asks to share a suitcase it usually means 3/4s for her and 1/4 for me. So I learned my lesson not to share anymore haha. i just came across your blog and i love it! I'm following now :)